Service Representatives

The Police Service Representatives who staff the front desk of the Police Department not only handle telephone and radio traffic; they also act as the Department’s receptionist and assist people who walk into the City Building. The Police Department is the only City department with a reception window that directly faces the main hallway. In addition, they are the only City receptionists on duty after business hours.

One of the primary functions of a Service Representative is data entry. In addition to maintaining LEADS files, the Service Representatives enter all crime, traffic and field interview data into the A.R.M.S. program. Every documented verified person, business or agency which officers contact through the day is entered into A.R.M.S. All suspect descriptions are also entered into the system. In addition to the new entries, the old ones need to be maintained and updated as fresher information is available.

Some of the other activities of the Police Service Representatives are:

  • Staff the front desk from 7 AM to 11 PM every day
  • Process licenses (including taxi licenses)
  • Receive tele-serve reports
  • Report maintenance filing/retrieval
  • Provide copies of reports
  • Process freedom of information requests
  • Attend court to present records
  • Process court ordered record expungements

Lt. Matt Bain supervises the Police Service Representatives.

- Last Modified -July 15, 2020 - 12:51pm
- Author - admin