Section 22-00651-00-SW Sidewalk Improvements 2023 - Phase 1 (Solicitation #2223-21) - Contact Form
Sealed BIDS for the construction of Sidewalk Improvements 2023 – Phase 1 (Section 22-00651-00-SW) – which includes replacement of existing segments of concrete or brick sidewalks and replacement of existing curb ramps at various locations – that will be received by the City of Urbana at the Public Works Department, 706 South Glover, Urbana, Illinois 61802 until 2:30 PM prevailing time on Thursday, December 1, 2022 and publicly opened and read aloud at said office.
Register below to receive bid documents.
The plans and proposals are each a call for bids containing all requirements governing the letting and performance of the particular contract including but not limited to any applicable requirements for the payment of prevailing rates of wages for labor as required by law. Any questions regarding individual plans and proposals should be directed to the City of Urbana Public Works Department.
Each proposal shall be accompanied by a bid bond according to BLRS Special Provision for Bidding Requirements and Conditions for Contract Proposals.
All bidders are hereby notified that the City of Urbana is required to affirmatively insure that the contract, entered into pursuant to this advertisement, will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder and on a non-discriminatory basis. The lowest responsible bidder must have an active Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Certificate of Compliance from the City of Urbana before the contract can be awarded. Applications for EEO Certificate of Compliance are reviewed only once per month by the City of Urbana; therefore, all bidders are encouraged to apply for EEO certification in advance of the bid opening.
All bidders are hereby notified that any proposal requiring work to be performed by a contractor requires the prime and subcontractors to participate in an approved training program. All bidders must complete BLR 12325 and return with the bidders' proposals. If BLR 12325 is not completed, the bid will not be read.
John C. Zeman, PE, SE
City Engineer