
MAJOR ACTIVITIES of the Planning Division:

  • Assure the implementation of the goals, objectives and policies of the 2005 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN
  • Enforce the City's ZONING ORDINANCE to implement the policies of the City of Urbana as expressed in the 2005 Comprehensive Plan and maintain the City's OFFICIAL ZONING MAP
  • Analyze new subdivisions and regulate the physical pattern of land development using the LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE and MANUAL OF PRACTICE
  • Process APPLICATIONS for zoning, development review, design review, annexations, etc.
  • Administer the HISTORIC PRESERVATION Ordinance and engage in preservation planning activities
  • Create PLANS AND REPORTS to aid in implementing the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, to aid board and commission members in making decisions when reviewing applications, and to show progress of plans that have been implemented
  • Coordinate planning policies and case reviews with other government entities to ensure the City's planning interests are considered in community-wide planning efforts

BOARDS and COMMISSIONS related to Planning

An important role of the Planning Division staff is to coordinate materials and provide recommendations to the following boards and commissions:


- Last Modified -February 19, 2024 - 2:16pm
- Author - Visitor