Meet and Greet: Marie-Ange Andrieux of Sister City Thionville, France
Urbana's citizens are invited to "Meet and Greet" a visiting language instructor Marie-Ange Andrieux, and her family, from Thionville, France—Urbana's Sister City—to Urbana, September 19 and 20 2022. This "Meet-and-Greet" event will take place Monday, September 19, 2022 between 5 and 6 p.m. in The Urbana Free Library's McFarlane-Hood Reading Room. Light refreshments will be served.
This visit celebrates the foreign language exchange conducted between the advanced French class of Ms. Lynda Lopez at Uni High School in Urbana and the English language classes of Mme. Marie-Ange Andrieux at Lycée Charlemagne in Thionville, France. This project has been selected to receive the Champion of Youth Award for 2022 by the Illinois Sister Cities Association during the annual meeting of the Illinois Municipal League, in Chicago, Illinois.
Following the "Meet-and-Greet event, Mme Andrieux and family will visit with Mayor Diane Wolfe Marlin and appear at the 7 p.m. meeting of the Urbana City Council to make a short presentation and present a copy of the award plaque to the City.
Go here to see a video where Thionville residents send good wishes to those in the City of Urbana.
Photo: Andrieux is seen here with her class. (Provided)