Complaint Review Process

What happens after a Citizen Police Complaint is filed?

  1. You will receive a copy of the signed and notarized complaint. Members of the CPRB will be notified of the filing.
  2. The Urbana Police Department will conduct an internal affairs investigation into the allegations.
  3. Both you and the police officer will be offered an opportunity to participate in a voluntary mediation process. This process will be offered at no cost to you by a trained mediation professional.
  4. Upon reviewing the results of the internal affairs investigation, the Chief of Police will issue departmental findings.
  5. The Chief of Police will forward notification of departmental findings to the complainant via certified mail . The findings will also be made available to the CPRB.
  6. After receiving the Chief of Police’s determination, you will have (30) thirty days in which to file an appeals form. 

What happens if you disagree with the Chief of Police's findings?

  1. After receiving the Chief of Police’s determination, you will have (30) thirty days in which to submit an appeals form.
  2. If an appeal is filed, the CPRB will conduct an appeals hearing within (45) forty-five working days. You will be notified of the hearing date at least (10) days prior to the date.
  3. At the appeals hearing, you will have the opportunity to tell the CPRB why you disagree with the Chief of Police’s decision. The CPRB may also ask you specific questions about the incident.
  4. At the conclusion of the appeals hearing, the CPRB will make one of the following determinations based upon the preponderance of the evidence:
    • Not Sustained: Where the members determine that the Chief of Police's finding is not supported by the evidence.
    • Sustained: Where the members determine that the Chief of Police’s finding is supported by the evidence.
    • Remanded for Further Investigation: Where the members find, by a majority vote, that there exists new, relevant evidence that was not presented to, or investigated by, the Chief of Police or his/her designee and that it is in the community’s best interests to do so, it may remand a matter back to the Chief of Police for further investigation or consideration.
    • No Finding: Where the complainant failed to produce information to further the investigation; the complainant withdrew the complaint; or the complainant is unavailable to clarify the complaint.
    • Mediated: Where the complaint was successfully mediated. 

What happens after the CPRB makes its determination?

  1. The determination of the CPRB will be reported to the Chief of Police.
  2. If the determination differs from the Chief of Police’s initial determination, then the CPRB and the Chief of Police will discuss those differences and forward a report to the Mayor.
  3. The Mayor will have final authority in the matter. 

Other Important Questions

  • Does the CPRB have any authority over police officer discipline? No. Only the Chief of Police has authority over the discipline of Urbana police officers.
  • Can I be harassed or retaliated against because I filed a complaint? No. The Ordinance expressly forbids retaliation or harassment in any form for exercising your right to pursue a complaint. Specifically, the Ordinance provides: "Harassment, retaliation, or retribution for filing a complaint or testifying on behalf of a complainant will not be tolerated. If you believe that you are the subject of harassment, retaliation or retribution as a result of the complaint process, please contact the Human Relations Officer for appropriate investigation and follow-up."


PDF icon Urbana CPRB Appeals Form200.33 KB
PDF icon Citizen Complaint Form188.64 KB
- Last Modified -July 7, 2020 - 10:12am
- Author - admin