Bike Urbana

The City of Urbana encourages the use of bicycles as a logical alternative to the automobile for access to local amenities. Bicycling provides for the public health and well being of Urbana’s citizens, contributes to good air quality, and reduces congestion. With a size of 11.6 square miles and flat topography, the City of Urbana is an ideal community for bicycle commuting. Bicycling is intended to be safe, efficient, and a practical travel option for all residents and visitors in the city for both recreation and daily needs.




Urbana is a Bicycle Friendly Community!

Bike Friendly City Seal 2023 - 2027

“One of the goals of the Bicycle Friendly America program overall is to encourage communities, businesses, and universities to continue improving conditions for people who bike. Every time we update what it takes to earn a Bicycle Friendly Community award, we see communities respond by building bigger partnerships, investing in infrastructure, expanding their outreach, and more,” said Bill Nesper, executive director of the League of American Bicyclists. “We applaud the 45 Bicycle Friendly Communities that committed to the evaluation process and are striving to build a more Bicycle Friendly America for everyone alongside us.”  

Just 5 other communities have reached Gold, so this is a huge accomplishment!

The Gold-level Bicycle Friendly Community designation is the culmination of many years of hard, dedicated work from countless individuals. Thank you for all of your time and effort! 

A Little History Regarding the Designation...

Urbana first received Bronze-level designation from the League in 2010, and the efforts in the past four years to improve all "Five E's" that the League focuses on - Education, Engineering, Enforcement, Encouragement, and Evaluation/Planning - have brought the City up to the Gold standard. Urbana has strong bicycle groups, a comprehensive bike plan, a very active Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, a whole lot of bicycle parking, and most importantly, many people who are dedicated to biking for transportation and for pleasure.

Bicycle Master Plan Update
The City of Urbana approved an updated Bicycle Master Plan in December 2016. The final plan can be viewed and downloaded here:

Urbana Bicycle Master Plan

Plan Appendices

C-U Bike to Work Day

C-U Bike to Work Day takes place each year in May as part of National Bike Month. Hundreds of registered bicyclists visit bike stations throughout the community for refreshments and prizes on their way to work. Urbana and Champaign even have a healthy competition to see which City can get a higher percentage of their employees to bike to work on C-U Bike to Work Day (in 2019, it was Urbana, yet again).


Champaign County Bike's BIKE MAP of Urbana-Champaign

City of Urbana Bike Parking information and MAP

PDF icon Urbana Bicycle Master Plan21.07 MB
PDF icon Bicycle Plan Appendices35.52 MB
- Last Modified -June 1, 2023 - 3:10pm
- Author - admin