Community Development Commission

The Community Development Commission has responsibility for monitoring the federally funded portion of the Community Development Services Department. They assist in the establishment of guidelines for various federally funded projects including subgrantee programs, housing rehabilitation, acquisition and demolition programs, and other capital improvement programs in the eligible Census Tracts. Members serve 3-year alternating terms. 

The Commission meets at 6 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Agendas, minutes, and attachments for older meetings can be found in the archives: Archive of Agendas, Packets, Minutes

To send an email to all members and staff:

Please go to the Mayor's Office page and download the application, for those interested in becoming a Commissioner on the Community Development Commission, as openings become available.

Boards and Commissions Application


Board/Commission Staff

Staff Member Contact
Breaden Belcher - Grants Division Manager
(217) 384-2306
Nicholas Olsen - Community Development Coordinator
(217) 384-6277
Hillary Ortiz - Executive Assistant
(217) 384-2311

Upcoming Meetings

Recent Meetings